What is the Jewish Question?

The Jewish Question is a question concerning as to why Jewish people are in power globally. This is not limited to but includes: Ownership of international banks, official government positions around the world, involvement in the USS Liberty, involvement in 9/11, involvement in WW2, involvement in the Federal Reserve, involvement in the United States slave trade, involvement in mainstream news corporations, involvement in entertainment and media, involvement in the USSR and the Holodomor genocide, involvement in the late Weimar Republic, involvement in the death of Jesus Christ, etc. 

Many people will call you a conspiracy theorist or anti-semite for noticing the Jewish role in nearly all aspects of our life, but there is an undeniable truth that Jewish people could not have been exiled from 110 countries without doing something wrong.


This website intends to provide and archive evidence towards proving the Jewish Question as real. This website does not express any intent for an individual to go out and harm Jewish communities or persons. Any evidence posted here, whether it be infographs or pictures that may hint at violence towards individuals, do not express the views of this website.